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David J. Kim, CEO & Founder

Deep Tech and AI


Funding Stage


Reuniting A Socially Distanced World

During the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual meetings went from an occasional feature of some industries to an immediate global reality. With gathering and capacity limits in place around the world, face-to-face meetings were now relegated to the mercy of blurry webcams, malfunctioning mics, and all too much time spent set to ‘mute.’ The main issue was that the existing technology was unreliable, and was unable to truly replicate the in-person meeting experience.

This realization fully reached David Kim when he and his co-founders attended the Techstars conference in Seoul, South Korea in 2020. The popular audio technology used in hybrid-remote meetings simply did not replace the audio quality of speaking face to face. As David and his partners were already designing better meeting technology software, they realized that they were doing one thing at their company, Between, better than any of their competitors.

The founders at Between have developed 3D audio spacing technology that clean up audio from across hybrid-remote and mixed reality meetings. They are focusing on improving the way audio comes together in these spaces in order to produce a clean, low-latency end product that almost flawlessly bridges the disconnects we have all experienced since the start of the pandemic.

One of Kumar’s colleagues had learned of Between, and from the first introduction Kumar was taken with the technology. They’re the only company in the world collecting and handling audio data in this way, and have plans to introduce their technology to audiovisual providers in the event space, and eventually through wearable technologies as well.

K-Man Ventures is excited to be part of David’s entrepreneurial journey. “David is tackling a very interesting space in Spatial sound,” says Kumar. “Since COVID we have been living in the Virtual world and tools like Zoom have become part of our lives for good. Between is one such company that is using deep tech to enhance our virtual experience with space and sound.”

We’re the only company in the world doing this in hybrid-remote environments.

David J. Kim

© K-Man Ventures.